Recent News

The Cache Water District along with many other stakeholders recently completed an economic impacts study of the Bear River. You can read the executive summary or full report at the following links. 

Thanks for the support and help in bringing our Bear River economics report to fruition. I believe we have thoroughly documented a complete economic baseline that will be very helpful for regional water policy.    

Here is a link to the CEI landing page for the report: On the landing page you can choose to view/download the full report or just the Executive Summary. 

Here are the new shortened links to go directly to the full report:; or to go directly to just the Executive Summary:



Job opening

Cache Water District is accepting applications for an education and outrach coordinator. The purpose of this position is to educate the public on the Districts mission, develope, coordinate, monitor,...

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Subscribe Today! Cache Water District

We are excited to announce that our new website is up and running to inform residents about water issues in Cache County.  Check back often, as we will be adding information often. Subscribe and...

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