Welcome to the Official Website of Cache Water District

Our Mission

The purpose of the District includes planning for and facilitating the long-term conservation, development, protection, distribution, management and stabilization of water rights and water supplies for domestic, irrigation, power, manufacturing, municipal, recreation and other beneficial uses, including the natural stream environment, in a cost-effective way to meet the needs of the residents and growing population of Cache County. 

Watershed Studies

Learn how Cache Water District works in conjunction with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service to sponsor watershed studies to secure and safeguard our water for future generations

Conservation Tips

There are a number of easy ways to save water, and they all start with you. When you save water, you save money on your utility bills. Here are just a few ways.

Conservation Tips

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Job opening

March 03, 2025

Cache Water District is accepting applications for an education and outrach coordinator. The purpose of this position is to educate the public on the Districts mission, develope, coordinate, monitor, evaluate and implement programs to increase public awareness, involvment and participation on various programs to include, water resources and water conservaiton, envoronmental water needs and agricultural water use, as an integral part of the District's mission. This is a fulltime benifited position with a begining salary of $50-60,000. Applications will be accepted through April 15th at 5:00 p.m. Email resume to ndaugs@cachewaterdistrict .com

For full job description call Nathan Daugs...

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March 03, 2025

As the weather transitions into spring, it's the perfect time to take stock of your home's plumbing system and safeguard against leaks.

Did you know that "Fix A Leak Week" is celebrated every March, highlighting the importance of detecting and repairing leaks to conserve water and prevent costly damage?

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